Sipadan Island
The scenic oceanic island of Sipadan was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct undersea volcano that rises 600 meters from the seabed. It is best known as one of the best dive locations in the world.
World renowned oceanographer, JacquesYves Cousteau, once spoken of Sipadan: “I have seen other places like Sipadan 45 years ago. Now we have found again an untouched piece of art”. Indeed it is. Sipadan lies at the centre of the richest marine habitat in the world—with 3000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species. A place with one of the richest ecosystems in the world, Sipadan is also a heaven for nature conservationists.
Sipadan is famous for its vast population of green and hawksbill turtles. The turtle tomb—an underwater limestone cave with a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers containing the skeletal remains of turtles—is another unique feature to be explored by underwater enthusiasts. One of the wishlist of every diver is the spectacular whirlwind formation by the residential schooling barracuda and bigeye trevally, which often gather in thousands at a time. Underwater photography aficionados will also be awestruck by Sipadan’s multifarious pelagic species and her mesmerizing macro life.
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Sipadan Dive Spots

Staghorn Crest
At this dive site, you will find yourself beginning with a gentle descent along the drop-off, followed by a gradual diagonal descent along the wall, at the shallow end of which there is a garden of staghorn corals.

South Point
South Point is one of the more likely sites at Sipadan Island for rare shark sightings such as hammerheads and thresher sharks, both of which tend to stay at depths here of 40+ metres.

Turtle Patch
Although you can make a typical wall dive, perhaps the best way of taking in Turtle Patch is just to let the current take you along the shallows, and then you can take in the scenery as it unfolds at its own natural and leisurely pace before your eyes.

Barracuda Point
One of the most popular diving sites on Sipadan Island the the Barracuda Point at the north coast site. Often depicted in photos of a swirling vortex of chevron or blacktail barracuda.

Mid Reef
Lazily decend to your required depth down the vertical wall that forms Pulau Sipadan's Midreef, then just drift along with the current, whichever way it takes you - north or south.

White-Tip Avenue
You can look forward to numerous encounters with schools of gentle whitetip reef sharks. This, however, is only one of the many amazing underwater sights this dive site holds for you.

Coral Garden
The health and diversity of the coral growth in the shallows atop of the wall, combined with the fact that almost every species to be seen in Pulau Sipadan’s waters is on view here, makes this site ideal for long dives devoted to both macro and wide angle compositions.

Turtle Cave
The cavern is a complicated site with the entrance to the cavern located at about 18 m. Sipadan diving is famous for its population of both green turtles and the smaller hawksbill turtles.